Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said,” New initiatives for the restoration of degraded forest lanscpaing in the state would be started.”
Presiding over the first meeting of the governing body of Himachal Pradesh State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (HP CAMPA), at HIPA on Tuesday the CM said, ” Instead of raising plantations in haphazard manner it would be raised on barren open space “.
He said ” The plantation should be done keeping in mind the suitable climatic conditions and dedicated staff would be deployed as protectors to take care of the plantations in a responsible and accountable manner.”
He said, ” The state government is working towards ‘Vyavastha Parivartan’ and a campaign would be focused on covering barren land to achieve the goal of making the state a Green State.”
he said that the campaign would be more focused and barren forest land would be covered to achieve the goal of the ‘Green State’
The CM said,” The forest department has identified 256 hectares land for the purpose
and local representatives should be involved in the drive and monitoring the one model nursery should be developed in every
Chief Parliamentary Secretary Sunder Singh Thakur, Chief Secretary Prabodh Saxena and Principal Secretary Onkar Sharma among others were present in the meeting.