Though position of BJP’s Mandi sadar MLA (Member of HP Legislative Assembly) Anil Sharma has become untenable in the state BJP with Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur and the later openly criticizing each other during ongoing Mandi Municipal Corporation (MC) but both seems to be in catch 22 situation.
Anil Sharma elected on BJP ticket during 2017 HP Assembly election remained Power Minister in Jai Ram cabinet but was forced to resign in 2019 after his refusal to campaign for the party candidate Ram Swaroop Sharma pitted against his son Ashrey Sharma of Congress in parliament election in Mandi constituency.
Sharma had refrained from openly campaigning for his son too but Chief Minister and other BJP leaders had accused him of secretly working for Ashrey Sharma.
With campaigning for MC elections on April 7 at its peak both CM Jai Thakur and Anil Sharma have leveled charges and counter charges openly in media. While the CM has accused Sharma for betraying voters of Mandi and BJP after getting elected on BJP ticket Sharma has blamed the later for ignoring him and development in his constituency.
Technically Anil Sharma is still a BJP MLA despite his defiance of the party and open criticism of the CM; neither has BJP expelled him from the party nor has he resigned from the party and the state Assembly.
Both the state BJP leadership and Anil Sharma are in catch 22 situation as if the party expels him he would become unattached MLA in the Assembly and free to join Congress which is likely to be his next move .
On the other hand if Sharma resigns from BJP and quits the state Assembly there would be snap poll to fill the vacancy within six month after the resignation for Mandi Assembly seat. And the seat falling in home district of CM Jai Ram Thakur and BJP would deploy every weapon in its armory to defeat Sharma. In this situation Sharma is trying to retain his Assembly membership but after the death of Mandi MP by-election for parliament seat would make his position ticklish.
Mandi MC Election would prove crucial for both Sharma and CM as its outcome would be detrimental for both and may force the BJP or Sharma to come out of the catch 22 situation.