The Rohru police have registered an FIR against unknown people for allegedly sacrificing an animal at a public place to seek blessings of a deity, under section 325 and 223 of the IPC along with section 11 of Prevention of Cruelty towards Animals Act.

Acting on a complaint by a social activist Surender Papta of Rohru, who raised this issue with the Police and the local administration after the incident of a goat being killed for appeasing a local deity,  was reported a few days back.  

A video of the animal being sacrificed  in the open at a public place was also circulated in the social media after which the incident was reported to the Police and action in the incident initiated .

“The Supreme Court and the Himachal Pradesh High Court have put a complete ban on sacrificing animals to appease deities,  but it a common knowledge that locals in many areas sacrifice animals in temples, at religious places and even at public places defying the ban, and the administration remains a mute spectator under public pressure,” said Papta.

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