Former Deputy Mayor of Shimla Municipal Corporation, Tikender Singh Panwar, has filed an FIR against different officials of Shimla district administration and the state government for use of heavy machinery by people raising temporary structures on The Ridge Shimla having a water tank supplying drinking water.

In a complaint filed to Superintendent of Police Shimla, Panwar said, “I am attaching two videos as proof that certain people are plying heavy trucks and using even a heavy crane to raise temporary structures for a function on The Ridge, Shimla”.

Panwar said, “The HP High Court has already prohibited movement of vehicles or machinery, especially on the portion of The Ridge having water tank; The Ridge has a 100-year-old water tank beneath and the foundation area towards Rivoli Theatre and Ice Skating Rink has been sinking, vehicles are banned on it except ambulances,” he adds.

 He has urged SP Shimla to register an FIR against officials of Home Department, police and the owners of two trucks and a large crane for plying on The Ridge.

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