Former Chief Minister Shanta Kumar has asked HP Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu to provide justice to IPS officer Ilma Afroz, Superintendent of Police (SP) Baddi, who proceeded on leave recently for alleged “government pressure for her strict action against certain politically influential people involved in illicit mining in Baddi area.”
In a letter written to the CM Sukhu, the former CM has raised his concern on the issue and urged the CM to ensure justice to SP Baddi Ilma Afroz, known for her honesty and integrity for her crusade against the mining mafia.
Shanta Kumar said, “Since the officer had to abruptly proceed on leave the state government must clarify whether she is being targeted for her action against the mining mafia”?
Congratulating the officer for her integrity, the former CM has asked the state government to restore her position.
Meanwhile, the Himachal Pradesh government has refuted claims of undue pressure or discrimination in her case; Afroz has recently gone on leave citing family reasons, specifically her mother’s ill health. The government has assured that the officer will return to duty at her convenience.
Dismissing claims of political interference in her transfer the spokesman said, “The government is committed to uphold merit and transparency in administration; no one is above the law and would take strict action against people involved in illegal activities. ”
One thought on “Former CM Shanta Kumar writes to HP CM demanding justice for lady IPS officer”
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We must support this Daman’s of Shanta Kumar ji for justice against the straight forward lady IPS officer .