India’s first Multi-purpose (Combined Heat & Power) Green Hydrogen Pilot Project executed by Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam was commissioned at 1500 MW Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station (NJHPS) in Jhakri, Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday.
Chairman-cum – CMD of SJVN Geeta Kapur inaugurated 20Nm3/hr Electrolyzer & 25kW Fuel Cell Capacity based Green Hydrogen Pilot Project.
A spokesman of the power company said, “The project is nation’s first Multi-purpose (Combined Heat & Power) Green Hydrogen Generation Plant with capability to cater to the High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) with Coating Facility of NJHPS for meeting its combustion fuel requirements for generating electricity through 25 kW capacity fuel.”
He said , “ The project will produce hydrogen gas by splitting hydrogen and oxygen from water with the help of an alkaline electrolyzer by using renewable energy supplied from a 1.31 MW solar power plant and produce 14kgs Green Hydrogen daily .”
Mrs. Kapoor said, “Aligned with the National Green Hydrogen Mission of Government of India, SJVN’s Green Hydrogen Pilot Project is poised to accelerate the development of green hydrogen production infrastructure in the power sector, establishing green hydrogen as a clean energy source.”