Though nearly 72 hours have elapsed since the self-proclaimed separatist leader of Sikh for Justice (SFJ), Gurpatwant Singh Pannnu disappeared in the United States, there is yet no credible and official information about his whereabouts.
Pannu had disappeared from New York and unconfirmed reports in social media about “ his killing in a car accident” and a video showing him “threatening India standing before the United Nations Building” are doing rounds.
The separatist leader Pannu had been threatening former Himachal Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur through recorded messages sent to media persons not to unfurl the National Flag on the Independence Day claiming, “inclusion of Himachal Pradesh in the new map of Khalistan.”
Through a recorded voice message which was received on my mobile number in August 2022, Pannu had threatened, “ “This is for the people and CM Thakur of Himachal, a new map of (so called) Khalistan has been released which includes Himachal in it, Shimla was capital of Punjab and would be capital of Punjab once liberated.”
The SFJ had sometimes back held a conference in the UK in support of “Khalistan” and security agencies have booked him for anti national activities.”
A separatist Hardeep Nijjar was killed in mysterious circumstances on June 19, 2023 in Surrey (Canada).