A lad from remote Basehar village under Nauhli panchayat in Joginder Nagar Sub Davison of Mandi district, Abhay Bhardwaj has brought laurels to the area and Himachal Pradesh by getting selected in the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai to pursue a five years Integrated PhD course in the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education. .
The Homi Bhabha Centre is one the premier institutions of India for research in Nuclear Science and Atomic Energy and is named after Homi Bhaba, father of atomic research and nuclear science in India.
Abhay has been selected for the admission to the course on the basis of very tough selection criteria in which thousands of students from throughout the country participated to enroll only 18 students. . Final selection of the candidates is done by grueling interviews by professors of the institute.
He is the only candidate selected from North India and would get a handsome education grant for completing the course.
Completing his early education in a local school, Abhay completed B.Sc Honours from Kirorimal College of Delhi University.
His father Kushal Bhwadwaj is a Zila Parishad Member from Joginder Nagar area and a social activist , while his mother Vidhu Bhardwaj is teaching English in Joginder Nagar College.
His parents are quite ecstatic about the achievement for their son. Kushal Bhardwaj said. “ Abhay has always been a brilliant student throughout and has keen interest in Physics ; his dream of pursuing a career in fundamental science in the prestigious institute like TIFR would get a fillip.”