Himachal Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has criticized the Central government for allegedly ignoring the state in allocation of funds for developing the tourism sector.

Taking strong exception to alleged discrimination the CM said, “The Central government recently sanctioned Rs 3,296 crore to 23 states of the country under the special assistance plan for development of tourism sector but the state which has vast potential for tourism expansion was allegedly ignored.”

He said, “In a federal structure rights and development needs of every state are to be looked after by the Central government and small and potential states are to be given priority but to the utter dismay of people of the state BJP led Modi government has ignored Himachal Pradesh.”

“While Uttarakhand has been given Rs 100 crore for developing a rafting base station in Rishikesh, Punjab has received Rs 53.45 crore for developing a heritage street at SBS Nagar, Rs 99.17 crore for the eco-tourism and cultural hub at Roerich and Devika Rani Estate in Bengaluru’s, not a penny has been given to Himachal for Roerich Trust at Naggar in Kullu,” he added.

The CM also criticized the Central government for not giving adequate funds for restoration work after the worst natural disaster in the state.


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