( SPU Pro- Vice Chancellor felicitating Prof. Varyam Singh)

Second International Conference was organized at Government College Siraj on 18 -19 October on the topic, “Culture language and assimilation of knowledge”.

 Former Professor from Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, Prof. Varyam Singh was the chief guest in the conference.

Addressing the conference Prof. Varyam Singh talked about the uniqueness of the Siraji dialect. He said the dialect has a very rich cultural history and depicts local traditions and life.  

Prof. Varyam Singh also read some of his poems for the audience and narrated local traditions and culture of the area through his poems.

Pro- Vice Chancellor of Sardar Patel University Prof. Anupama Singh also graced the occasion as a guest of honuor.

 The keynote address was presented in the conference by Prof. Vivek Kumar from Jawaharlal Lal University, New Delhi.  

In his address Prof. Kumar introduced the theme of the conference and appreciated efforts of the organizers for holding such a conference in a rural college located in a remote area of Himachal Pradesh.

He said, “The proceedings of the conference would play a pivotal role in promoting research in the area and hoped many young researchers would be motivated to explore new dimensions of the Seraji dialect and local cultural traditions.”

The conference was moderated by Dr. Jonathan Gupta, President, Himalayan Conservation and Preservation Society and the Danish Himalayan Institute of Cultural and Heritage Studies (DACHS) in the United States.

The famous art painter from the Netherlands, Kelvin Wilson, Dr. Lalini Thakur, Dr Vidhan Das from Ambedkar University New Delhi and Dr Shalini Thakur from Chili also presented their papers in the conference.

Chief organizers Dilip Singh and Yamani Sharma said more than 100 professors; researchers and students participated in the conference.

The HGCTA President Dr Banita Saklani also attended the conference and congratulated the organizers for holding an international conference in such a remote area.

Earlier ,  College Principal Vikram Singh Thakur welcomed all the guests.

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