Himparivesh Paryavaran Sanrarkshan Santha ( HPSS) has condemned the descion of Himachal Pradesh Cabinet to allow mining along one to two meter beside rivers and khads of the state.
President of the organization Lakshmi Singh Thakur after holding a meeting at Nalagarh said,
” Allowing use of machinery to carry mining in one to two meters area of rivers by amending 2015 mining rules would prove disastrous for the state.”
Thakur said , ” Allowing mining along two meters of rivers after monsoon season would disturb the ecology and environment of the state and thus not in the interest of Himachal Pradesh as this would also adversely affect agricultural land of farmers near the rivers.”
HPSS has demanded roll back of this decsion of the state government to save environment of the state failing which it would mobilize support throughout the state and launch an agitation.

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The state government, present and past, and its policies are prime factor to create environmental disasters in Himachal Pradesh. We will never learn a lesson from the recent and the past tragic disasters in the State.