( Priynaka Gandhi addressing a public meeting at Sunder Nagar today ) Photo by Jai Kumar

Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi questioned the Prime Minister Narendra Modi for seeking vote for BJP candidates in the election without coming to help people of the state in the hour of need.

Addressing a public meeting at Sunder Nagar on Wednesday in favour of Congress candidate Vikrmaditya Singh, she said, “With what face is PM Modi seeking votes now when he did not come forward to help people during the worst natural calamity last year.”   

She said , “ There are  two different ideologies in the country and the voters have to choose one in the present election; whether you want a clean and efficient government or you are a false promise maker,” it depends on you .

She said, “After a worst disaster the situation was very bad as floods and landslides had disturbed normal life of a large number of people in the state but the real face of BJP and the Pm was also exposed as they did nothing to help people other than doing lip service.”

“The people of the state showed great courage during the disaster and the CM  Sukhu and  his Cabinet colleagues along with state government machinery worked round the clock to mitigate miseries of people but PM Modi was not seen anywhere, though he considers the state as his second home ,” she added .

She accused, “ The PM Modi and BJP leaders only do politics on every issue and try to divide people on the basis of religion and criticized BJP leaders for allegedly trying to topple the democratically elected Congress government of the state by using money power” .  

She said, “Today Democracy has been reduced to a mockery but the media is not raising such issues, the Modi government waived off loans of Rs 16 lakh crore of the few industrialists but loans of farmers have not been waived off.”

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