The International Forest Day was observed by Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI) Shimla at the Western Himalayan Temperate Arboretum, Potter Hill, Summerhill on Thursday.
The students of department of Environmental Sciences of Himachal Pradesh University Shimla were specially invited to participate in the programme along with faculty members.
Acclaimed historian and writer Raja Bhasin was the main speaker and chief Guest of the function.
Speaking on the occasion, Director of HFRI Dr. Sandeep Sharma highlighted the theme of this year’s International Forest Day- “Forests and Innovation- New Solution for a better world”.
He also talked about forest technology and direct and indirect benefits of forests for sustainable development of human beings; expressing concern over climate change he also motivated students to contribute in tree plantation and conservations of forests, besides creating awareness in the society to slow down the looming threat of Climate Change and Global Warming.”
Chief Guest of the function Raja Bhasin spoke on Colonial Impact on Flora of Shimla.
He said,” The Britisher’s during their rule in India planted several plants in Shimla as per their needs and liking; five plants of chinar planted by them still exists.”
He said , “ Presently the forests of Shimla are getting polluted, plastic waste is being thrown in the forests, plastic dumping is rampant and it has become quite important to plant indigenous trees in large numbers; saving forests from wildfire is also of utmost importance .”
Bhasin also appealed to the students to become torch bearers of environment conservation.
Dr. Jagdish Singh, scientist with the HFRI also talked about various aspects of forest conservation.
In his address Dr. Vaneet Jishtu, scientist also emphasized the importance of creating green spaces in towns and plants developed in the Arboretum at Potter Hill Shimla.
A quiz competition for the students was also organized on the occasion.