Two labourers sleeping in a hut died after getting buried under debris of a landslide near Junga in Shimla district on Monday night.
A police source said, “Seven labourers were sleeping in the hut when it was hit by a landslide; two of them i.e. Rakesh Kumar (36) and Rajesh Kumar (36) both from Bihar died in the incident, however five others injured managed to save their lives by running out.”
The bodies of the deceased were pulled out from the debris by the teams of NDRF, FireFighters and Home Guards.
The injured in the incident include Rahul Kumar (18), Megh Sahni (42), Baijnath Ram (45), Toni Kumar and Ashok Ram.
DC Shimla Anupam Kashyap and ADM Shimla Ajeet Kumar Bhardwaj visited the accident site on Tuesday.