A forest guard working in the office of Divisional Forest Officer Nachan Toyad Kant has been selected for the State Level Forest Award for the year 2019-20.
Toyad Kant has been selected to get this award along with nineteen fellow foresters and three organizations, for his commendable services in protecting and guarding the forest wealth of the state. This award is given every year to forest staff working diligently in raising and saving forests.
This award would be given to the recipients by Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur in a function to celebrate the 72nd State Level Van Mahotsav being organized on July 20 at Nirmand in Kullu District.
A source said Toyad Kant has been selected for the award for his daring acts of catching timber smugglers on several occasions and raising and protecting plants in Nachan Forest Division.
Hailing from Khandla Village of Balh, Toyad Kant is son of Late Nanak Chand Saini, a devoted teacher and a social worker. The villagers of Khandla, Kummi, his friends and relatives have congratulated him for this achievement.